Saturday, June 20, 2020

Study of Social Interaction Dramaturgical Approach - 275 Words

What Does a â€Å"Dramaturgical† Approach to the Study of Social Interaction Mean? (Essay Sample) Content: NameProfessorCourseDateSocial interactionsSocial interaction denotes particular types of externalities in which the deeds of a situational group affects the personal preferences (Ransome 89). The situational group is normally kinfolks, neighbors, associates, and peers. According to the dramaturgical approach, human beings are participants in the world and plays "life" as propounded by Erving Goffman. The dramaturgical approach is a theory that explains the social interaction between individuals by comparing them to actors in dramatic performances. Additionally, the dramaturgical approach contends that interaction between human beings is reliant on time, place and the audience (Ransome 177). Goffman regarding the dramaturgical approach of human interaction argues that individuals will present themselves to other on the basis culture, values, and customs.In the first place, creating a rapport while communicating with the professor is significant towards ensuring effecti ve connection and giving a good impression (Ransome 180). On another note, in the expression giving, to be able to visit and give the professor an impression that the student is good, dressing in a decent and official manner is inevitable. A proper dressing code aids in keeping the professor focused and not destructed from the communication. Further, the student should carry some textbooks and their personal notebook to the professorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s office.On the other hand in the expression given off by the professor while the student is gathering the information about exams, the lecturer will ask the student some questions about the course. Comprehension of the course will indicate that the student is proficient in the course and as such create an impression that the student is good.In conclusion, the student visiting the lecturer to gather information about exams as well as create an impression that they a...

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